? DEGUTOPIA -('):(')- For all your degu needs

>Dedicated to the memory of Jeremy, the original Degutopia degu and his keeper Chloe<

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Jezza The Degu

Tip for 18/3/2025
Try shredding up some kitchen paper and leaving it in your degus cage. They will enjoy collecting it and using it to line thier nest.

This is the place to learn all there is to know about degus, including their origin, behaviour, history, physiology and tips on how to care for them, all set on a sound scientific basis. We're proud to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, fully referenced degu information on the net!

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To find out more about the publication of scientific research and why it's important to reference your sources, read the 'Sense About Science' guide by clicking the button below.

Updated 14/NOV/2025

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Since June 2004

Years of Degu Dedication