>General Degu Information<
Menu design: S.L. Eakins (2008)
>General Degu Information<
What is a Degu?
Appearance and Biology
Why Degus Make Great Pets
Where Do Degus Come from?
The Degu Family
The Evolution of the Degu
Degu Sounds
Degu Pictures
Colour Varieties
>Degus In The Wild<
Wild degus have inhabited South America for years and are currently (and since early reports in 183252) the most abundant Chilean caviomorph26, indeed the most common small mammal in central Chile to be active during the day109. Once endemic in this continent, the area inhabited by wild degus is decreasing rapidly26 ,109, probably due to human disturbance26. Although pet degus are adorable, wild degus are frequently considered agricultural pests30 due to their widespread dispersion and preference for root crops52. To find out more about our pets' wild brothers and sisters, click the links below.
The Wild Degu Habitat
Wild Degu Lifestyle
The Wild Degu Community
>Further Reading<
Degus in Research
Taxonomy Controversy
Degus Around the World