Menu design: S.L. Eakins (2008)


What do you think about Degutopia? Here are some of the things people have said about Degutopia and the information Degutopia has provided.

"I love your site!" -Hope

"Hello, Thank you for registering my Degus. It's good to know there is a site to go to were people really care about them." -Bella

"Thanks, Keep up the good work!" -Joanna

"Hi Chloe, thank you very much for answering my question! Thank you for the good wishes and offer of advice, and I'd be happy to put my degus on your register. Cheers." -Peggy

"Thanks Chloe! You are a wealth of information!" -Jacquie

"WOOHOO!! I registered [my degus] and it was so totally cool to get a little certificate that I could frame and hang in my 2 daughters' bedroom since the degu's are theirs. They thought it was cool too. I like this idea since it gives us a chance to figure out where the majority of degu owners are." -Deana

[about the Degu Information Group] "I hope you enjoy this group - you will find that Chloe provides some excellent information. There are also several other experienced Degu-owners only too willing to share their knowledge and expertise too." -Jan

"Hi Chloe, I checked your web site - great site!" -Phoebe

"Being a new Degu owner myself the Degutopia site has been great for us. I registered our 2 boys, Hammy and Scrat, and I'm always interested to see where each of us are from with our degu's and where we picked them up from. My 2 daughters quite enjoyed receiving the little certificate for each of our boys from the site and it really isn't that hard to understand or even take the time to fill out. The helpful information that Degutopia provides for me is wonderful! It certainly saves me from having to get a hold of the pet store (who BTW know absolutely nothing about degu's even though they think they do)." -Deana (AKA deanas67)

"Thanks for the help, and the VERY useful info at the site. It is amazing all the time and work you put into it and I appreciate the opportunity to be here and to use the info. Keep up the good work!" -Mary

"My comment is about Degutopia/The Degu Information Group I just wanted to say the site is fab and the Degu information group is really useful. it's good to know other people care about degus as much as I do! thanks for the advice about neutering, Chloe, my boy (Mr. Degu!) has had the op and is healthy and happy to be with Mrs Degu again!! Thanks again." -JO

"I'm very thankful that you respond faster than any other site I went to. And your site had almost all the answers. The other ones didn't help me at all, and when I asked questions no one ever answered back; thank you." -Babechick66

"Thanks for maintaining a wonderful and informative website." -Jessie

"I really, really appreciate the way you promptly, thoroughly and eloquently answer everyone's questions!" -Risa

"I just wish I'd known about Degutopia when I first got my degus- I've learnt more in the last few months since I joined the [Degu Information] group than I had done in the last 4 years." -Diane

"Chloe, I am new to the degu world. I found it very difficult to obtain information on diet and care. Your site is the most comprehensive and detailed that I have seen. Congratulations on a job well done. I have two degus, a male... obtained from a rescue... and a female pup. I have had two very good experiences in which I was given additional help without asking for it. One was with -name removed- and the other is a vet, -name removed-, both of these people share a passion for these animals that I thought would be unequaled until I read your site. I am a retired grandfather; through the years I have had many pets- all types and sizes but never have two small animals managed to work their way into my life the way these two furry creatures have done. I thank my good fortune for finding your site. Wish you the best." -Phil

"I love the fact that I can just send you an e-mail or ask a question on Petshub... and you answer them all the time. I can always rely on you to help me :). Keep up the good work!" -Tom

"Hi... my friend found your website a few weeks ago... only I wanted to say congratulations for your website! Really, we [find it hard to find good information about degus], as the degu is a "new" animal, and it's hard to find a vet who knows something about [them]! I think your website is really useful for a lot of degu owners! It's wonderful to know that a website like yours exists and if we need fast information, the answer is probably there as there's a lot of information on your website! I found this animal wonderful, a good friend and so cute and funny, I enjoy passing like half an hour only looking at him, even if he's sleeping. I found it's an interesting animal. You do a good job [with] your website and I only wanted to let you know... continue your fantastic job!" -Steph and Nouky

"I think this is a great site to help others learn more about degus!" -Lizzy

"Thank you for having such a resourceful website available on degus. Your website has provided me with valuable information...for example: We purchased the degus not knowing what gender they are...only that they are the same. Your site was able to confirm that they are two females, which we'd hoped for. Thank you." -Kevin, Peanut and Taco

"You have the most informative degu Web site online. Thank you so much for educating people about these wonderful animals. There is not a lot of relevant detailed information about degus online so I am relieved to have found your site." -Jennifer

"My comment is about Degutopia. I love your site and wish I had found it sooner. I have 9 sibling degus (3 males/neutered and 6 females) who are now 2 1/2 yrs old. I knew nothing about them when I initially bought the parents- including the fact that they were male and female, rather than two males as the pet store told me! I was fortunate in having a vet who was very helpful, but your site is tremendous and has tons of great info. I love your hints for enrichments, and look forward to revisiting the site for updates, since I am always looking for ways to keep them happy & healthy. Thanks for all you are doing for degus." -Deb

"My comment is about Degutopia. I think your site is excellent. My son saw some at the pet shop and instantly fell in love with them they were sooooo friendly. He wanted to buy two straight away but I said we had to read up about them first. Found your site... well what can I say, everything we needed to know we found, even great links to sites to buy cages, etc. Thank you so much. I'm sure we will be regular readers of your site. Please can you let us know when you are next at a show." -Nikki and Nat

"Just a quick note to thank you for the tremendous amount and variety of information provided at Degutopia. You have saved those of us interested in more technical information on [Octodon] degus a great deal of time and effort in providing a rich resource with carefully cited references. ...Degutopia has to be the single most valuable resource where [so much degu-related information] has been gathered and made readily available. Consider me a grateful devotee of the degu who thanks you on both the animal's and my own behalf." -Brian

"I am sooo grateful to Degutopia for all the wonderful help with my questions. This is the BEST and only real source of correct knowledge and info on Degus, I wouldn't trust anyone else with info when it comes to my little babies, I now have 13 degus and Chloe helped me right at the beginning when I first adopted my very first 2 and was in need of advice. Thanks Degutopia!!!!!! We love you!" -Timothea

[About the Degutopia training sessions] "We all had a lovely day with Chloe from Degutopia today - we nearly missed Chloe's train because we suddenly realised time had flown by, but we covered most things and it was so great to be able to clarify things and ask questions there and then as they came up - brilliant! In my opinion, anyone with degus would appreciate this course/chat/info session with Chloe. It was informal and relaxed and we all had a bit of a chatter about our own experiences as well as finding out about Chloe's research and studies and experience. Well worth the cost of the train ticket x 100! It was great to meet [names removed], degu owners too, and our local Pets at Home Manageress... came too and took loads of notes and learnt loads more about degus which will be to the benefit of all the little furries who pass through the store, which apparently is quite a lot and increasing all the time! She is also passing information along the line to more senior management and referring Degutopia to a wider base which would be great! I learned lots more than I ever could have from the books and websites and to put the icing on the cake I DID in fact sex all my babies correctly! Hooray for me! Boys and girls are now separated and little boys are all settled nicely with my bigger boys - no hassles! Thank you Chloe for your time and experiences shared - I highly recommend you!!!" -Melissa

"I've been reading your Degutopia-pages for couple of years and I must say there is a lot of useful information :). There is only one negative thing I have to say about your website. I think your layout is pretty old? Your website would look much more professional if you would reform your site's layout. The text would also be easier and more clear to read... But otherwise your site is great and some of the information is so scientific I can't understand even a half of it :p! I don't have many suggestions about your website but you could change the colour. It could still be violet, but maybe lighter at least where there is text. And more pictures! Choose one colour for the text... Menu could be a bit smaller text so the reader doesn't have to click "Down" and "Up". Four year old layout is pretty old today, new one would be refreshing :) I'm ready to help you!" -Jenni
*Comment from Chloe: I've taken in what you've said, and given the site a makeover for its 4th birthday! I hope you find the new layout refreshing, and the menu now easier to use and more accessible. Thanks!*

"I purchased two degus from a pet store who knew little about these lovely animals. I have read Degutopia from top to bottom several times and am still learning more from the ongoing research and chat with other owners - thank goodness for Degutopia! I now have several, registered degus including some rescued animals, and have constantly referred to the website for help and always found my answers! The training course on offer was invaluable and I urge anyone with degus to arrange one - it's free, informal and great fun for the whole family and other owners near to you! Fabulous site - fabulous info - fabulous animals! Thank you Chloe!" -Melissa

[About the degu age survey] "Chloe is going to update the results this Sunday. So can I take this opportunity again to ask (I will resort to begging if I must) everyone to take part in the survey. Chloe is doing such a fantastic job on the research side of things and we all benefit. So can we all show our support and appreciation by filling in the survey as it will really make a difference." -Adele

"Hi Chloe, stumbled upon your site while trawling the internet for info on the pair of very depressed Degus we bought from a [rubbish] Petshop/Garden Centre locally. I'm happy to say that they're really doing well, are a lot happier! It's mainly because of the vast amount of info on your website!!! Just wanted to say thanks." -Gareth, Nic & degus Mike and Julie

[About Jeremy degu] "Chloe, I am so very sorry for your loss, it is a loss for all of us- I am so grateful to Jeremy for inspiring you to do such wonderful research and start Degutopia!!! It all started with him and without him I do not know where I would be with my Goos and if they would even be here healthy and well. I love all my Goos so much and to me Jeremy is a hero, Degutopia has helped me with everything I need to know for them, we would be lost without the site and all your generous help. I have read his biography, still crying...he was one of a kind and we all owe him our thanks for enriching our lives just by being himself and helping you to create Degutopia. Our thoughts are with you." -Timothea and all my goos

[About Jeremy degu] "Chloe, Our condolences. I'm glad he didn't suffer a long illness. So much kinder that way, if that's any consolation. I remember how much Jez reminded us of our old man Hugh when we met him last July (looks and personality- wise). He started chatting away to us, which then got continued by Terrence and then Nibble took it up too while on the wheel. It was lovely for us to feel accepted that day, and Jez was the one who started that :-) I remember Rick got mugged by Jez for tummy scratches as well, which made us both grin as we'd had three months without having such a lovely old man demanding attention. Of course with a really old degu, there are lots of things to mourn and miss, and watching age take them is not easy. But so many good memories too. We hope you have plenty of those to remember that will make you smile in the next few weeks and months." -Lesley and Rick

"I'd just like to say how much I appreciate your Degutopia site, and the attached email group and information. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this support, from yourself and others, I guess many take it for granted, but I can see your website is extremely informative, I can see how much time and obvious love you have put into this, and you are still adding stuff and updating it. And I know you always answer emails - I guess it takes up a lot of your time, but you always respond. It is great for all the little degus in UK (and the world) who always seem to be overlooked - after all, most of my friends have said to me 'a what?'. Hhmmm....I get a bit mad, but I know it won't get degus anywhere to have an emotional reaction." -Valerie

"Hello Degutopia! I just wanted to drop you guys a note saying that I just adore you site! I read your story about Jeremy, and it's so sweet and touching. I love my degus to pieces, and they're so independently minded! Degus are such amazing creatures. Your site is great--thank you SO much for creating it. You have definitely helped me and countless degu owners around the world!" -Kiley

"Just been to the vets with Dec who has had his eye closed since last night - have bathed it twice with cooled boiled water on a cotton bud and it opened up gently but was very sticky and yucky. Went to the vets this morning armed with the printed off list of [degu veterinary medications on] Degutopia. The vet was thoroughly impressed and was confident prescribing an antibiotic eye cream based on the Degutopia information and said Chloe Long should be commended for putting it all together! So well done Chloe! This new vet had never even seen a degu before though she was excellent with him." -Melissa

"Dear All @ Degutopia, I just wanted to pass a message to you all to say “BIG THANKYOU”. Your website has had a huge impact on me as to how I look after my 3 little degus, Marmite, Branston and Bisto. My partner bought my boys for me as a present when I saw them in a pet shop. They were all sat huddled in a cage together, I was so fascinated by them and I fell in love with them instantly. 2 weeks later my partner went to the pet shop and bought all three. He found out they were brothers and he didn’t want to split them up. I didn’t know anything about Degus so I hopped onto Google and found your Website. I have found your website the most interesting, knowledgeable and accurate website and have 100% trust in what I read. I'm so glad I found you! They are 9 months old now and I give them the world, all because of DEGUTOPIA! HUGE THANKS!" -Jenny

"I'd just like to say thank you for your Degu Fighting Guide! I've been having problems with my two degu boys recently, but your guide has answered all of my questions and I think it will really help. It's so detailed and I definitely know that I can trust all of your information, across the whole site. I'm so happy that I've found help, and it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one whose degus have been fighting! I love Degutopia! :D" -Helen

Do you have a comment about Degutopia? Good or bad, e-mail us your thoughts and they will appear on this page. Don't hold back! We will only put your first name after any comments you make, but if you would prefer to remain anonymous, just mention it in your message.