Menu design: S.L. Eakins (2008)

KeNkYu DeGu!

Welcome to the world of the research degu!

Oh look! We've created a manga series about the world of the research degu! Why? Because we can!
Degu wa doko desu ka?

KeNkYu DeGu will be updated soon- watch out!

Caution: Reading KeNkYu DeGu prior to performing experimental work may affect the validity of results

#1: The effect of memory on learned behavioural tasks

#1: The effect of memory on learned behavioural tasks

#2: Programmer vs. Researcher

#2: Programmer vs. Researcher

#3: Associative learning

#3: Associative learning

#4: B157

#4: B157

#5: Not all bad...

#5: Not all bad...

#6: Uncooperative research subject

#6: Uncooperative research subject

#7: Time budget choices may be influenced by uncontrolled factors

#7: Time budget choices may be influenced by uncontrolled factors

#8: Murphy's Law can be useful!

#8: Murphy's Law can be useful!

#9: It was never supposed to work THAT well!

#9: It was never supposed to work THAT well!