Menu design: S.L. Eakins (2008)

The Degu Referee

By Melissa Tiley-Waters

Written about her degus after getting nipped trying to break up a squabble!

I love my little degus 
so tiny, sweet and brown 
their big black eyes so loving 
and their fur the softest down 

I love my little degus 
when they softly start to sing 
and climbing on their tubes and logs 
and on their parrot swing 

I love my little degus 
warbling softly all day long 
They sweetly groom each other 
while they sing their degu song 

I love my little degus 
With their fluffy little tail 
I love to see them jumping high 
as through the air they sail 

I love my little degus 
When they spring across the floor 
I love it when they try to scare 
the dog who's at the door! 

I love my little degus 
when they eat, they really guzzle 
I love it when I call to them 
And they will come to nuzzle 

I love my little degus 
who are sweet as sweet can be 
I love to give them peanuts 
which they take so tenderly 

I love my little degus 
who can make a bed so fast 
with shredded paper, kitchen towels 
and straw and hay and grass 

I love my little degus 
who just watch the world go by 
and take an interest in all things 
And give all things a try 

I love my little degus 
with their tiny dainty feet 
I love they way they sit right back 
to hold and eat their treat 

I love my little degus 
and their funny little noise 
The way they chase each other 
And the way they play with toys 

I love my little degus 
I know they meant no harm 
They had a fright and took a chunk 
from my finger and my arm! 

I love my little degus 
My love of them will linger 
But I might not love them quite so much 
If I have to lose this finger! 

I love my little degus 
Love them all with all my might 
But all this loving might just fade 
should I get another bite! 

I love my little degus 
who look like little loves 
I wonder if they'll come to me 
If I start wearing gloves? 

I love my little degus 
who obviously love me 
I wonder if I tasted good 
When they had me for tea? 

So although I love my degus 
I just really want to say 
When they are having grumpy time 
Keep both your hands away 

And if you love your degus 
And think that they are fab 
Remain aware of blade sharp teeth 
Or you will need a jab! 

So much as I love degus 
and know that they love me 
I think I'll be more careful 
when I play the referee!

...and one additional verse from Chloe:

Melissa loves her degus
From their tail up to their nose
But since their little 'incident'
They've now all got ASBOs

This poem is © copyrighted to Melissa Tiley-Waters, 2008; Please don't use this poem without permission.