Menu design: S.L. Eakins (2008)

Degu Pup Weight Tables

Wouldn't it be handy to be able to work out the age of a degu pup from its weight, or to estimate what their weight will be at a certain age?
We thought so, and so this section was created!

The following weight tables are averages based on data from our own (UK) litters. Please note that weights can vary widely depending on circumstance, and this is for guidance only.





9-16g 13g
1 week 15-25g 20g
2 weeks 21-37g 28g
3 weeks 35-52g 43g
4 weeks 47-75g 59g
5 weeks 60-95g 77g
6 weeks (weaned) 48-122g 80g

Source: Degutopia (2002-2006) Unpublished observations.

>Detailed mean pup weight data for the first 2 weeks post partum<

Pup growth rate over first 2 weeks
Pup growth rates from birth to 2 weeks old, from British and wild (Chilean) samples bred in captivity. Taken from Long & Ebensperger (2009)*170.

>Detailed mean pup weight data for the first 6 weeks post partum<

Pup growth rate over first 6 weeks
Pup growth rates from birth to 6 weeks old, from British and wild (Chilean) samples bred in captivity. Taken from Long & Ebensperger (2009)170*.

*Source: Long, C.V. and Ebensperger, L.A. (2009) 'Pup growth rates and breeding female weight changes in two populations of captive bred degus (Octodon degus), a precocial caviomorph rodent.' Reprod Domest Anim., pp. 8, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2009.01470.x ISSN 0936-6768. Note that the full text article can be downloaded from the articles section.