Degu Quiz
Degu Lifestyle Quiz
1. On average, how many years do pet degus live for? a) 6-8 years b) 8-10 years c) 4-6 years d) 2-3 years
2. When should you let your degus out of their cage? a) At midnight b) When the sun is in their cage c) In the morning and evening d) When they have to be cleaned out
3. If your degu is unfortunate enough to live on their own, you should...? a) Give them more of your time and attention and let them out more b) Buy another single degu to put in their cage c) Fill the cage with toys and cardboard so they don't get bored d) Put their cage in the window so they can see people going by
4. Your degus are running around the room and one comes up to you. What should you do? a) Talk quietly to them in a soothing voice b) Put your hand out slowly for them to sniff and groom c) Gently rub them behind their ear and on their belly d) All of the above
5. Degus can be wary of new environments but adapt quickly to change. The most stressful change of environment for a degu is...? a) Moving house b) Taking your degus home from the pet shop c) Putting your degus cage outside in the shade for a few hours on a nice day d) Moving your degus cage into a warmer room
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