Degu Quiz
Degu Fact Quiz
1. What colours are sensitive to the degu's retina (what colours can they see)? a) Blue and red b) UV only c) Green and blue-UV d) Red and green
2. What does the name 'Octodon degus' mean? a) Rabbit face rat b) Brush tail mouse c) Eight molar cavy d) Eight tooth grazer
3. What special feature of female degu reproductive physiology must you take into account when breeding? a) Female degus are induced ovulators b) Female degus can only breed once per year c) Female degus only have one mate d) Female degus will attack the male after he has mated with her
4. Degus can shed their tails as an antipredatory mechanism. Which other mammalian species have this ability? a) This is a feature unique to degus b) Some species of rat, gerbil and chipmunk c) Viscachas d) Some species of tree porcupine
5. Degus can reverse entrain and become nocturnal to adapt to environmental change. Which of the following could cause your degus to invert their circadian rhythm patterns? a) Degus have continual access to a running wheel b) Degus are fed late at night c) You work night shifts and let your degus out very early in the morning d) Any of the above
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