Degu Quiz
Degu Care Quiz
1. What should you feed your degus? a) Hamster/gerbil mix b) Rabbit mix c) Guinea pig mix d) Chinchilla mix
2. What should you use as a litter substrate in your degus cage? a) Sand b) Cedar chips c) Newspaper d) Sawdust
3. How often should you change your degus drinking water? a) Every day b) When it needs topping up c) When the cage is cleaned out d) Regularly every four days
4. Which of the following is essential in your degus cage? a) Cardboard tubes b) A sturdy, solid running wheel c) A hay rack d) A nest box
5. When you let your degus out of their cage, what is the main thing you should make sure they have? a) A dustbath b) Places to hide c) Something for them to climb on d) Something for them to eat
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