Degu Tail Survey

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Please select only one choice for each category.

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-How many degus do you own?-

Eleven or more

-Of the degus you own, how many are male and how many are female?-

Male Female

-Do any of these degus have a white 'flash' in their tail (see pic above)?-


If you have answered 'no' above, please ignore the next section and continue after the questions in the box.

-If you answered 'Yes' above, are the degus that have a tail flash:-

Male and female

-If you have female degus with a tail flash, have they ever been pregnant (to your knowledge)?-


-If your degu has a tail flash (male or female), are they diabetic?-
IMPORTANT- Please give the answer according to the status of the majority of these degus if there are more than one.

I don't know

-If your degu has a tail flash (male or female), what is their age range?-
IMPORTANT- Please give the answer according to the status of the majority of these degus if there are more than one.

Juvenile (less than 58 weeks old)
Adult (more than 58 weeks but less than 5 years)
Elderly (over 5 years old)

-Have any of your degus shed their tail (see pic)?-


If you have answered 'no' above, please ignore the next section and scroll down to the 'submit' button.

-If you answered 'Yes' above, are the degus that have shed their tail:-

Male and female

-If your degu has shed their tail, what is their age range?-
IMPORTANT- Please give the answer according to the status of the majority of these degus if there are more than one.

Juvenile (less than 58 weeks old)
Adult (more than 58 weeks but less than 5 years)
Elderly (over 5 years old)

-Please select which of the following phrases best describes your current situation:-

Please note that pressing the submit button will send your results to Degutopia via e-mail. Two messages will appear asking you if you want to send us the data- please reply 'yes' and 'ok' to them so we can collect your data! It is Degutopia's privacy policy to never pass on your details to any third party.

Please press submit once and wait for the messages to appear!

When we have collected sufficient data, the results will begin to be published on Degutopia, and we'll do our best to keep you informed at every step. For automatic updates, why not join our group mailing list?


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